Ritalin (methylphenidate)

Ritalin • -more effective than sertraline in improving cognitive function and maintaining alertness in patients with traumatic brain injury (Lee H 20 p97) • better tolerated than sertraline (ibid.) • -found effective in hypoactive delirium, apathy, depressive syndrome (Meyers BJ 148 1738) • -accelerates antidepressant response in elderly (Lavretsky H…

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Affective disorders, sleep patterns, and treatment implications

Affective Disorders, Sleep Patterns, and Treatment Implications Problem issues in treatment of affective disorders Only 60-70% of depressed patients respond to antidepressants (in carefully done studies). The clinical reality is worse. In some patients, antidepressants worsen agitation, may increase suicidality We still don’t understand what causes depression, or how antidepressant…

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