instalment 9: prescription medications that may be helpful in certain situations

Metformin, a medication which costs pennies a day, lowers insulin levels and has been shown to have powerful effects against a host of disorders including cancer, cardiovascular disease, brain and kidney disorders, obesity, as well as inflammation. But there is reason to believe that many players in the health care industry, prefer that you not know this.

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Methionine Restriction abstracts

Grandison, R. C., M. D. Piper, and L. Partridge (2009) Nature 462:1061-1064. Amino-acid imbalance explains extension of lifespan by dietary restriction in Drosophila. Dietary restriction extends healthy lifespan in diverse organisms and reduces fecundity. It is widely assumed to induce adaptive reallocation of nutrients from reproduction to somatic maintenance, aiding…

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Why we get old and die, and what to do about it

This presentation was most recently given at the Westmount Healthy City Project, on 2015-10-29.  It was also presented at: Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas Grand Rounds, 2013-5-23 Jewish General Hospital Department of Psychiatry Clinical Grand Rounds, 2012-4-12 McGill Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds, Montreal General Hospital, 2012-1-24 Ste. Anne’s Hospital, Continuing…

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