Champlain rises above the rest

This Letter to the Editor was published in the Montreal Gazette on 2018-11-16.

Re: “The new Champlain Bridge won’t be ready on time” (Montreal Gazette, Oct. 26)

Over the past couple of years, I’ve observed the construction of the new Champlain bridge when I’ve crossed by bicycle from Westmount to the cycling path beside the St. Lawrence Seaway. As an engineer, I am impressed not only by the speed at which the bridge construction has been proceeding, but also by the respect shown to cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists in providing well-designed and implemented alternate routes. If only the same group of people were in charge of the Turcot work, or any other construction project in and around Montreal. In comparison to the Champlain, Transport Quebec projects are disasters! I say give the consortium a break on fines for delays, which are inevitable on any project of this magnitude.

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